Awaken the Healing Potential of Your Voice

Do you find yourself juggling life's demands and feeling like something's missing? It’s common to feel overwhelmed or disconnected from who you truly are. But what if you could tap into a powerful source of healing that’s been with you all along?

Your voice isn’t just for communication—it’s a gateway to profound self-discovery and transformation. Get ready to discover how your voice holds immense power for self-transformation.

In this 10-day course, you'll learn how to use sound to release stress, boost energy, balance emotions, and reshape your perception of yourself and your reality. Through ten guided lessons, you'll:

  • Harness your voice to heal emotional wounds and deepen self-awareness

  • Release emotional energy and connect with your intuition through practical techniques

  • Build confidence and self-expression with the power of sound healing

Join me on this journey to transform your mindset, perspectives, and self-confidence by unlocking the healing potential of your own voice.

"...People don't always know when they have made an impact. I want you to know that what I learned here has given me something that I will be able to use the rest of my life. I am deeply grateful..."

- Healing with Voice Student

Discover How to Use Your Voice For Healing to Transform Emotions and Insecurities

This course is perfect for anyone wanting to empower themself and replace limiting beliefs with confidence and certainty to feel fully expressed!

  • BREAK THROUGH BLOCKS & WOUNDS - Find instant relief in the guided vocal toning lessons by releasing long-held stress through the healing power of your voice

  • REPLACE LIMITING BELIEFS - Move through long-held repression in your voice and find confidence in expressing your truth and speaking your true voice

  • INCREASE SELF-AWARENESS - Discover ways in which we self-sabotage our goals and dreams and discover life-changing perspectives built into our very own name

Course Testimonials

“Matthew, I love the course. It will be one of my go to when I need uplifting. Thank you thank you thank you for offering up such wisdom.”

Dobson, London, UK

“This is my favorite course and I replay it often. I am disabled and mostly bedridden. The sounds, and making them myself, add a whole new dimension to my days, since I discovered this course I keep coming back to where I feel the strongest connection with the resonance of the rest of the world.”

Lee, Boise, Idaho

“Dear Matthew, Thank you for this deep, simple, profound course. I feel hopeful and energized by your lessons in sound healing.”

Ann, International Student

“Hi Matthew, This is an amazing course. I have never toned before, and it was exciting to experience this throughout my body. Thank you for taking the time to educate us regarding sound and the benefits thereof.”

Pam, Johannesburg, South Africa

Course curriculum

Sign up to the full course and each day learn about the fundamentals of sound healing and explore how developing an awareness of your voice as a sound healing tool can help release stress and tension, increase our energy levels, balance our moods and emotions, and help us to see the power of our words and vibration in influencing our perception of ourselves and our reality.

We will cover all sorts of exciting and fun topics related to sound, frequency and vibration and explore sound healing instruments, mantra chanting, vocal toning, affirmations, chakra toning and explore sound’s influence in all aspects of our life. In just 10 days transform the energy and power in expressing your voice to become an awesome instrument of healing.

    1. Course Introduction

    1. Day 01 - Cultural Narrative of Sound - Video Lesson

    2. Day 01 Class Reflections

    1. Day 02 - What is Sound Healing? - Video Lesson

    2. Day 02 - Class Reflections

    1. Day 03 - Resonance, Entrainment & Intention - Video Lesson

    2. Day 03 Class Reflections

    1. Day 05 - Exploring Healing Sound Instruments - Video Lesson

    2. Day 05 Class Reflections

About this course

  • $88.00
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • Release stress and tension, deepen inner peace with Sound Meditations
  • Unlock powerful insights through practiced Lessons
  • 10 Days of Simple & Powerful Lessons

Here's what you'll get:

A few of the simple yet powerful transformations you can expect from this course:

  • 10 days of guided vocal toning lessons to help you find instant relief by releasing long-held stress through the healing power of your voice

  • 10 days of lessons to help you move through long-held repression in your voice and find confidence in expressing your truth and speaking your true voice

  • 10 days of lessons to help you discover ways in which we self-sabotage our goals and dreams and discover life-changing perspectives built into our very own name

  • Exciting and fun topics related to sound, frequency, and vibration, including sound healing instruments, mantra chanting, vocal toning, affirmations, chakra toning, and sound's influence in all aspects of our life

Enroll Now and Start Your Journey to Self-Healing.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is this course for?

    This course is for anyone who has ever found themselves drawn towards sound or music as a self-soothing way to relax and bring peace into one's life.

    This course is for anyone who is looking for change in life and is frustrated and not sure how to get it through ordinary and traditional means.

    This course is for anyone who believes in the healing ability of the body and is curious about the voice and has either never experienced it or is ready for big transformations now!

  • Can I really change my life in just 10 days?

    This course is comprised of 10 classes which range from between 10-20 minutes each.

    You can take your own pace and do one class per day, or if you feel inspired, you can take several classes in one day.

    It is usually best to go at the pace of one class a day, so you have time to internalize and process the new learnings and awarenesses.

    But final answer is yes, you will have a completely new view of yourself and the world after completing this course, for the better for the rest of your life!

  • I don't like the way my voice sounds, can this course help me?

    This course is designed to help you let go of the voice inside that limits your potential... the voice that says "I can't" or "I'm not good enough"... to help you increase your self-awareness and to discover ways to use your voice for self-healing.

    This includes discovering and replacing limiting self-beliefs and mindsets, increasing your confidence, and remembering forgotten facets of who you are and what your passions and dreams are.

  • Will this course help me become a better singer?

    This course is not meant to improve your singing, but to improve your over-all relationship to your self by expressing your voice.

    The side effect of being more at peace and at home in your body means you will feel more free to express yourself authentically.

    When we sing, we can often hold ourselves back for fear of judgment or self-imposed self-judgment.

    Either way, you can improve all aspects of your voice, your communication and yes even your singing if you let go of the voice inside that says you can't! : )

  • What if I'm not satisfied with my results?

    The wealth of information here is substantial and life-changing. We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can try the course risk-free.

Meet Your Instructor

Sound Healing with Voice Course Creator

Matthew Duplessie

Sound Healing Musician & Educator

Matthew Jaidev Duplessie is a certified sound healer, musician and educator living amongst the sturdy forest trees of Savannah, Georgia. Growing up a painfully shy and sensitive child, he has discovered tools of transformation and empowerment through his journey to be fully expressed and to overcome his fears and insecurities that imprisoned him in the limiting beliefs of his youth.

This journey of transformation has guided his life’s work to explore and share wisdom and experience about the power of sound, frequency and vibration. Through his Kundalini Yoga Teacher training, he has discovered practical wisdom about the healing ability of our human voice and the mysteries of our human energy body.

Matthew specializes in voice work, vocal toning, and musical production and will be your guide through the Sound Healing with Voice Course every step of the way.

He has produced over 10 albums of healing music in his career ranging from soundtracks, meditation music and inspiring singer/songwriter material. He offers individual and group sound healing sessions and is available for workshops and performances worldwide.

Please visit his website to learn more, to download his powerful musical medicine and to schedule individual coaching or group events.


  • Holistic Voice Therapy Certification – Alcalali – Spain
    Harmonic Sounds, Association of Sound Therapy
  • Life Coach Certification – McDonough, Georgia
    Georgia Life Coach Academy
  • Level One KRI Aquarian Teacher Training for Kundalini Yoga, 220 hr – breathwork, mantra chanting, yogic lifestyle, and mindfulness – Espanola, New Mexico
    Kundalini Research Institute KRI

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your life with the power of your own voice - Enroll now and start your journey to self-healing.